National Drought Mitigation Center


Latest News

July 26, 2024

Brief mentions July 2024

Webinar provides insight into USDM processes. Paper explores potential of NWM analyses for drought monitoring. Handbook chapter covers drought remote sensing. Paper examines impacts of climate and drought webinar series. Article shares rancher's success story. Workshop shares information about ForDRI.

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  • Climate and Impacts Summary

    June 2024

    Each month we report on the climate of drought across the United States and share its main effects to people and places.

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  • Dry Horizons

    July 2024

    This monthly e-newsletter highlights success stories and new developments in drought planning and mitigation.

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  • DroughtScape

    Spring 2024

    This quarterly newsletter highlights, from start to finish, the collaborative projects and research we do.

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Drought Network News Archive

Drought Network News was published from 1989 through 2001. Past issues and articles are archived.